súvisiace s frekvenčnou terapiou,
stimuláciou elektrickými impulzami

- S. Young; S. Hampton; M. Tadej; Study to evaluate the effect of low-intensity pulsed electrical currents on levels of oedema in chronic non-healing wounds; Journal of wound care; 2011 Aug, Vol 20, Nr. 8, S. 368-373.
- Pamela E. Houghton, Cynthia B. Kincaid, Merge Lovell, Karen E. Campbell, David H. Keast, M. Gail Woodbury and Kenneth A. Harris; Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Chronic Leg Ulcer Size and Appearance; Physical Therapy: Journal of The American Physical Therapy Association, 2003 Jan, Vol.83 Nr.1, S.17-28.
- Karba R., Semrov D., Vodovnik L. et al.; DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 1. Clinical study and determination of electrical field distribution in the numerical wound model; Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics; 1997; 43: S. 265-270
- Carely P.J., Wainapel S.F.; Electrotherapy for acceleration of wound healing: low intensity direct current; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; 1985; 66: S. 443-446
- S. Young; S. Hampton, BSc; M. Tadej; Study to evaluate the effect of low intensity pulsed electrical currents on levels of oedema in chronic non-healing wounds; Journal of wound care; 2011 Aug, Vol 20, Nr.8, S. 368-373
Chronická alebo akútna bolesť, myalgia, fibromyalgia
- Stephen I. Zimmerman, R.P.T.; Fred N. Lerner; Biofeedback and electro medicine: Reduce the cycle of pain-spasm-pain in low-back patients; American Journal of Electromedicine; 1989 Jun, S. 108-120
- Jerry T. Holubec; Cumulative Response from Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) for Chronic Pain; Practical Pain Management; 2009 Nov-Dec (n=525)
- Roizenblatt et al; Site-specific effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on sleep and pain in fibromyalgia: a randomized, sham-controlled study. Pain Practice: The official Journal of the World Institute of Pain; 2007; 7:S.297-306
- Daniel L. Kirsch; Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia; Practical Pain Management, Electromedicine; Sept 2006; S. 60-64.
Bolesti hlavy, migréna
- Tenzné bolesti hlavy: Seymour Solomon, Arthur Elkind, Fred Freitag, R. Michael Gallagher, Kenneth Moore, Bernard Swerdlow, Stanley Malkin; Safety and Effectiveness of Cranial Electrotherapy in the Treatment of Tension Headache; Headache-The Journal of Head and Face pain; July 1989 Vol.29, Nr. 7, S.445-450
- D. L. Kirsch; Electromedical Treatment of Headaches; Practical pain management, Electromedicine; 2006 Nov/Dec, S. 58-65
- Migréna: P. Brotman; Transcranial Electrotherapy, Low-intensity transcranial electrostimulation improves the efficacy of thermal biofeedback and quieting reflex training in the treatment of classical migraine headache; American Journal of Electromedicine; 1989 Sep, S. 120-123
Bolesti čeľustného - temporomandibulárneho kĺbu
- Bertolucci LE, Grey T; Clinical comparative study of microcurrent electrical stimulation to mid-laser and placebo treatment in degenerative joint disease of the temporomandibular joint; Cranio: the journal of craniomandibular practice, 1995 Apr; 13(2): 116-120
Bolesť svalov
- Curtis D; Fallows S; Morris M; McMakin C; The efficacy of frequency specific microcurrent therapy on delayed onset muscle soreness; Journal of body work and movement therapies; 2010 July; Elsevier
Bolesti všeobecné
- Soler M.D., Kumru H., Pelayo R., Vidal J., Tormos J.M., Fregni F., Navarro X., Pascual-Leone A. Effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation and visual illusion on neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury; Brain: A Journal of Neurology; 2010 Sep, 133(9): S. 2565-77. Epub 2010 Aug 4
Bolesti pooperačné
- G. Rockstroh, W. Schleicher, F. Krummenauer; The advantage during a stationary follow-up-treatment applying microcurrrents on patients after implantation of a knee totalendoprothesis - a prospective randomized clinical case study; Rehabilitation 2010, 49: p. 173-179
- T. M. Sarhan; Doghem; Effect of microcurrent skin patch on the epidural fentanyl requirements for post operative pain relief of total hip arthroplasty; Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology; 2009; S. 411-415
Bolesti chrbta
- Joseph S. H. A. Koopman, Dorien H. Vrinten M. D., Albert J. M. van Wijck; Efficacy of microcurrent therapy in the treatment of chronic nonspecific back pain: a pilot study; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009
Pásový opar
- Mc Makin; Non-pharmacologic treatment of shingels; Mai 2010; Practical Pain management; S. 24-29
Upozornenie: Veda neuznáva existenciu informačného poľa, jeho analýzu, harmonizáciu a ďalší význam z dôvodu nedostatku vedeckých dôkazov. Frekvenčné programy IMF (Individualized Microcurrent Frequency) a FSM (Frequency Specific Microcurrent) konvenčná medicína neuznáva z dôvodu nedostatku vedeckých dôkazov v zmysle konvenčnej medicíny. Používanie produktov, programov alebo informácií TimeWaver a Healy je na vlastné riziko používateľa a podlieha jeho uváženiu a odbornému posúdeniu. Informácie na tejto stránke slúžia len na referenčné a vzdelávacie účely. Nemali by sa považovať za náhradu odborného lekárskeho poradenstva, diagnózy alebo liečby. Vždy by ste mali požiadať o radu kvalifikovaného lekára.